Psalms 121:1-2
I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"My Hair was too long...."

This next post is a riddle...can you guess what chloe did a last week?? Heres your little hint- scisors...a dark bedroom...and chloe.

Did you figure it out?? cut time!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Hello Friends (if u still are there!=)!
Well i apologize once again for not blogging for like a year! But within the excuse of life being extremely hectic I just needed a bit of a blogging sabbatical. So hopefully I am back for a while! So hopefully you all have had a great summer though for me it has literally FLOWN by! I understand now why the adults in my life always told me that life goes by faster and faster as you get older. A little run down on my life...we just finished a week and a half of living and breathing horses at the champaign county fair here in my town, showing six out of the eight days in 90 degree weather! (it was intense!=) It was fun but exhausting and I am very glad to be living life normally (though this weekend has been 'recover the destroyed house weekend!') So now I am sitting back waiting for school to resume in a couple weeks. I am a senior (yeah!) and I am super excited to graduate come spring and hopefully go on a missions trip and to college for photography! My family is doing great! Everyone is getting so big! I promise to update pictures soon! Soccer starts monday...this is my last year in wreck league before i am too old!

Well thats about all I can write blog will be under renovations for the next little while! I hope to post much more then I have for the next while so check back for more! I Love you all!



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jimmy Needham- Firefly =)

This is my new FAVORITE love song...its SO cute!
Take time to listen to'll enjoy it i guaranty!!

The artist Jimmy Needham is a christian artist with a acoustic style that i LOVE!! Check him out!

Let it snow....let it snow...let it snow...not! =)

Last weekend we had a TERRIBLE blizzard! We had around 15 inches with some serious snow fall! It was kinda fun to be snowed in through the weekend though...i enjoyed curling up in a warm blanket with a mug of hot chocolate (with extra whipped cream =) and watching movies with the fam!  

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

late night photoshoot =)

My friend christina came and spent the night last weekend and at 1 o' clock in the morning we went down to my studio and did a photoshoot! =)...the pictures turned out great! i took all the pictures that i am not in and christina and leah helped me out in the others...they did a pretty awesome job!!! =)

little ol' me


my friend christina

now...dont be fooled. i am not the violinist of the family...(its really leah) =)

Leah posed so great!! i just snapped the pics.

I thought this turned out nice!

leah and christina were both wearing chucks so i thought id get a picture of them.

I wanted a picture of leah with her violin. i tried a couple of different angles and i think
this one turned out best!

I luv my friend! ;)

It was a awesome time!!! We stuffed ourselfs on junkfood and stayed up till all hours! what couldnt be more fun!!! =)
